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The Numerous Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a lot of attributes. It is known as a purifier and a detoxifier. It can provide arthritis relief, help with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and assist several other conditi...
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Cradle Cap or Seborrhoeic Eczema Can Be Treated!
With Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema or Cradle Cap the baby’s scalp becomes dry and flaky but, the good news is, it doesn’t itch too much. This skin disorder usually affects the scalp, face, chest or ...
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Who is affected? Usually older people with poor circulation and those who suffer from varicose veins are affected. What is Varicose Eczema? Varicose Eczema is caused by the build up of pressure in ...
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Sunburn is an inflammation or blistering of the skin caused by overexposure of UV rays from the sun. There are 2 types of ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB. UVA penetrate the skin deeply which causes m...
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For Your Health Purify The Air You Breathe Inside Your Home
Your home; your health? Did you know that the air inside an average home can have 2-5 times more pollution in it than what is found outdoors. Is that good for you? Of course not! Because we spend m...
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There Is Help for Arthritis Pain
Are you one of the millions of people that suffer from arthritis pain. Here you will find home remedies that will help ease the pain. The word literally means “inflammation of the joint.” There ar...
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Pain from headaches can be so miserable that you can’t seem to function, but you can get relief by doing simple remedies at home. There are different types: Migraine- cause nausea/vomiting and impa...
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Need Help For Your Sore Throat?
A sore throat is an acute inflammation that can be caused by sinus drainage, allergies, pollen, a cold, smoking, dry air or even from yelling too much at a ball game. You have come to the right pla...
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Solutions for Sinus Infections or Sinusitus
Do you suffer from Sinus Infections or Sinusitis? Want a solution that can be done at home regularly to prevent this aggravating problem? Well, you have come to the right place! A Sinus Infection (...
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Acne or Pimples…Successful Treatments!
Pores, which are hair follicles, get blocked therefore, causing acne. Oil gets trapped in the pores which causes bacteria grow. As a result, blackheads and whiteheads (the typical pimple) form. Acn...
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