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Calm Cream- Itch Soothing Cream for New Skin -Listing Under Construction (Photos coming soon)

Sale price$38.85

Calm Cream- Itch Soothing Cream for New Skin -Listing Under Construction (Photos coming soon) Sale price$38.85

The Amish who make and use B&W, report the following

with the B&W Ointment treatment:

• Painful burns are rendered non-painful (or much less painful).
• Healing is faster.
• Painful debridement is not necessary.
• Skin grafting is not necessary.
• Scarring seldom occurs.
• Iatrogenic harm from hospitals is avoided.
• Patients can be treated at home at much less expense.

According to John Keim (who developed the b&w ointment) with his method, it seldom takes more than seven days to get a completely new skin cover on second and third-degree burns. In over two decades of treating with B&W Ointment, he never had an infection, and he saw only two cases of minimal scarring. Keim’s booklet Burn Aid  gives the information you need to treat burns. It is, short, concise, and easy-to-follow. It may be purchased here.


W = wild crafted; O = organic

honey-w, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root-w, Aloe vera gel-o, wormwood-w, comfrey root-o, white oak bark-w, Lobelia inflata-w, vegetable glycerin, beeswax-w, myrrh

B&W Oimtnet - Hand-made by the Amish in USA for over 25 years.

B&W Ointment is USED BY Ten or more US hospitals

Including The University of Michigan Trauma Burn Center, to treat burns.

A study by Joel Pomerene Hospital, OH has found B & W Ointment to be "an acceptable alternative to conventional burn care." "B&W/burdock leaf dressing changes caused minimal or no pain; none of the burns became infected, and healing times averaged less than 14 days." "The trauma of dressing changes was virtually nonexistent." From:

With burns and scrapes, infection is common because large areas of the skin have been damaged, opening the underlying tissue to bacteria. In both these cases, B&W ointment will protect the wound from outside bacteria and stop harmful bacteria already inside the wound from growing. 

Detailed Directions

How to apply B&W Ointment to burns for best results:

1. Cool burn (with cold water or other liquid) for up to 20 min. Start cooling even before removing clothing.
2. Clean wound by stopping the bleeding, removing any debris, and disinfecting. (B&W Ointment is not an antiseptic, however, it effectively prevents growth of harmful bacteria).
3. Stir ointment to a creamy texture (for nearly painless application to tender wound), apply a thick coat over entire burn and then bandage.
4. Change dressing every 12 hrs.

If there is no skin loss, the above directions are sufficient. If there is skin loss, there are other steps that may be taken to aid healing. Please consult the booklet  Burn Aid  for these steps and much more information on treating burns.


Do not use B&W on any injury/skin condition that needs to stay dry. For sutures (stitches), wait 5 days before using B&W.

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